Call Us 503.928.4914

11010 SE Division Street, Suite 301, Portland, OR 97266

Can Chronic Pain Be Treated?

Posted by Renew Physical Therapy Portland on Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Renew Physical Therapy Offers Professional Physical Therapy In Portland 

If you live or work in the Portland area and need professional physical therapy services, don’t hesitate to visit Renew Physical Therapy. Our team is dedicated to bringing the people of Portland top-notch physical therapy services. The Renew Physical Therapy team also believes that the physical therapy process doesn’t have to be a painful one. Seek pain-free physical therapy with Renew Physical Therapy. 

Do You Suffer From Chronic Pain? 

Portland locals, do you have a persistent pain that you can’t seem to find relief for? If so, you may be suffering from chronic pain. At Renew Physical Therapy, we define chronic pain as any type of musculoskeletal pain or symptom that has been present for longer than 6 months. If this description matches your experience, please don’t hesitate to see our help. 

Can Chronic Pain Be Treated? 

While physical therapy may no be the answer to completely eliminating pain, especially for those who have suffered from chronic pain for many years, we believe we are able to assist most of our Portland patients in improving their quality of life by achieving manageable levels of pain. 

How Can Renew Physical Therapy Help My Chronic Pain? 

Treatment from chronic pain will differ between individuals. We continually assess and re-assess each patient’s needs to determine the best method of treatment. We also participate in a multidisciplinary approach to soothe chronic pain together with other pain management clinics in Portland. If you’re interested in seeking help to relieve chronic pain, don’t hesitate to contact Renew Physical Therapy. 

Renew Your Body At Renew Physical Therapy 

Renew Physical Therapy is an independent manual physical therapy clinic that was established in December 2015 by Michael and Heidi Cantwell. Our facility features three private treatment rooms and an open gym area to treat all our patients’ needs. If you’ve suffered from chronic pain, an auto or workrelated injury, or any other issues allow us to help. See our full list of services to see the types of physical therapy we offer. You can find us at 11010 SE Division Street in Portland, Oregon. 

Visit our About Us page to learn more about our practice, clinic, and staff. Call us at 503.928.4914 to schedule an appointment. 

Categories: Auto Injuries, auto related injury treatment, Best Place for Physical Therapy, Chronic Pain, Headaches, Musculoskeletal, Neck Pain, Pain-Free Approach, Physical Therapist, Physical Therapy Benefits, Physical Therapy Clinic