Call Us 503.928.4914

11010 SE Division Street, Suite 301, Portland, OR 97266

Chronic Choose Pain-Free Physical Therapy Services Near You 

Posted by Renew Physical Therapy Portland on Thursday, November 30, 2023
Chronic Joint Pain

Clackamas Physical Therapy Services Available Now 

If you’re looking for professional physical therapy services in the Clackamas area, consider contacting Renew Physical Therapy. Our team is here to help you renew your body through reliable physical therapy services near Clackamas. Don’t wait to contact Renew Physical Therapy and learn more about professional pain-free physical therapy services near you. 

Pain-Free Physical Therapy Near Clackamas 

Are you hesitant to seek out physical therapy services? Do you find you’re not sure you need them, or do you hesitate because you’re worried that physical therapy may be painful? If you’re interested in services that can help you heal from injury, reduce pain, improve joint function, or help you manage chronic pain, physical therapy can work for you. Also, despite what you may have heard, physical therapy doesn’t have to be painful. 

How Does Physical Therapy Work 

Like many, you may be under the impression that all physical therapy is uncomfortable or causes pain. It is true that some methods can cause discomfort. For example, some conventional physical therapy methods rely on strengthening a painful body part to reduce or eliminate pain. This process can cause discomfort. 

However, that is not the only way to perform physical therapy. Here at Renew Physical Therapy, these three key factors allow us to take a pain-free approach to physical therapy: 

  • Mobilization Techniques 
  • Patient Education 
  • Behavioral Modification Strategies 

Call Soon 

When you’re ready to learn more about physical therapy services near you, don’t hesitate to call Renew Physical Therapy. 

Renew Physical Therapy is an independent manual physical therapy clinic that was established in December 2015 by Michael and Heidi Cantwell. Our facility features three private treatment rooms and an open gym area to treat all our patients’ needs. If you’ve suffered from chronic pain, an auto or work related injury, or any other issues allow us to help. See our full list of services to see the types of physical therapy we offer. You can find us at 11010 SE Division Street in Portland, Oregon. 

Visit our About Us page to learn more about our practice, clinic, and staff. Call us at 503.928.4914 to schedule an appointment. 

Categories: chronic back pain, Chronic Pain, chronic pain management, chronic pain management in Happy Valley, Elbow Pain, pain free physical therapy, physical therapy for chronic pain, physical therapy for lower back pain, relief from chronic pain, treating chronic pain