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How Physical Therapy Can Help Tendinitis

Posted by Renew Physical Therapy Portland on Thursday, February 22, 2018

Renew_Physical_Therapy_How Physical Therapy Can Help Tendinitis

Those suffering from tendinitis know how limiting the condition can be in regards to everyday activities. Tendinitis typically occurs when overuse or injury puts a strain on the tendons, resulting in inflamed tissues. Tendinitis sometimes requires surgery to correct, but with calculated, dedicated physical therapy a patient may be able to experience a faster healing time and increased mobility post surgery — or they may be able to avoid surgery altogether.

Physical therapy is advantageous for most sufferers of tendinitis.  When treated by a committed physical therapist, most tendinitis conditions don’t result in permanent joint joint damage or disability – the recommendation is to see a physical therapist for an evaluation as soon as you receive a diagnosis from your primary care or urgent care physician.  Presently, in the state of Oregon patients can see a physical therapist for a formal evaluation and treatment without first consulting a primary care physician, which allows a quicker diagnosis and intervention.

Tendinitis is an umbrella term for conditions including tennis elbow, golfers elbow, swimmer’s shoulder or a number of wrist, knee, ankle, and other joint injuries and conditions. According to, “Tendinitis may go away over time. If not, a doctor will recommend treatments to reduce pain and inflammation and preserve mobility to prevent disability and recurrence. They may provide a referral to a rheumatologist, an orthopedic surgeon, or a physical therapist for specialized treatment. ”

Physical therapy is a common treatment for tendinitis, and it’s easy to see why. A physical therapist can offer relief from the condition by utilizing a variety of modalities, including but not limited to hot/cold treatments, ultrasound (sound wave), soft tissue and joint mobilization (manual therapy), a personalized exercise program, detailed analysis of posture and walking, and extensive education regarding lifestyle and behavioral changes that may serve to further promote relief.

Renew Physical Therapy is proud to serve Portland-area residents suffering from tendinitis and joint issues. Renew Physical Therapy utilizes several therapeutic modalities, including cold/heat, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation to relieve pain and reduce inflammation as well as massage, specialized mobilization and taping techniques, and therapeutic stretching/strengthening exercises to restore pain-free function.

Visit our About Us page to learn more about our practice, clinic, and staff.

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