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11010 SE Division Street, Suite 301, Portland, OR 97266

Physical Therapy for Auto Injuries Near Portland

Posted by Renew Physical Therapy Portland on Monday, October 16, 2017


Every day thousands of Portland commuters hop in their cars to intermingle with other cars, bikes, buses, mopeds, and brave pedestrians on Portland’s busy streets and highways.  More often than not, cars, bikes, and public transportation coexist peacefully, but it’s likely you, or at least one of your Portland friends, have been involved in an auto accident.  It’s a simple, verifiable truth—there is a danger in driving, and accidents can and do happen.

Sadly, when auto accidents happen and bodily injury ensues, Portland residents may find themselves dealing with lasting pain from their injuries.  Seeking immediate treatment for injuries is paramount, but even with urgent medical care, lasting bodily damage can still occur.  There are proactive ways to address both recent auto injuries and long-term physical pain sustained during an accident, and physical therapy is chief among them.

Renew Physical Therapy proudly provides the greater Portland area with effective manual therapy to improve mobility, heal lasting injuries, and eliminate pain associated with automobile accidents.  Physical therapy can be your greatest tool in finding relief from pain caused by auto injuries.  Contact Renew Physical Therapy today for an evaluation and begin your journey towards a pain (and hopefully anxiety) free daily car commute.

To learn more about how Renew Physical Therapy can help, visit our Auto Injury information page.

Visit our About Us page to learn more about our practice, clinic, and staff.

 Call 503.928.4914 to schedule an appointment.


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