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11010 SE Division Street, Suite 301, Portland, OR 97266

Questions To Ask Yourself Before Quitting Physical Therapy

Posted by Renew Physical Therapy Portland on Thursday, October 24, 2019

Renew_Physical_Therapy_Questions To Ask Yourself Before Quitting Physical Therapy

Looking forward to your recovery is something physical therapy doctors and patients share. Progress is welcomed when you can see it, feel it, and especially when it comes sooner than expected. For some when there is uncertainty, there may be less motivation to continue with physical therapy. Of course, we are going to recommend sticking with the program, but here are some questions you might want to ask if you are wavering with the decision to continue physical therapy.

Do You Have The Right Physical Therapist?

This is a legitimate question; it is important that you feel your physical therapist is the right fit for you. Physical therapy requires more than a knowledgeable physical therapist. Physical therapy requires a physical therapist who listens and cares and manages your expectations as you progress through your treatment. Make sure your physical therapist is recommended by other patients and read their online reviews.

We adhere to a strict “no-pain” rule throughout treatment to ensure steady progress toward a full recovery. Conventional physical therapy attempts to decrease pain by strengthening a painful body part. In other words, conventional physical therapy may increase pain in the short term to decrease pain in the long-term. We believe in eliminating pain by improving joint function through mobilization techniques, patient education, and behavioral modification strategies.

What Are Your Goals?

Finish lines don’t come to you, you have to take steps towards them. It is great to have an established long-term recovery goal (the finish line), but also be aware of the short-term goals too (the steps in-between). Revisit these goals often and take each goal a day at a time. There are several ways to establish and measure your progress.

Where Were You When You Started?

Remembering how you felt before you started your physical therapy can help provide some perspective. Looking forward to recovery is normal and a great motivator, it can also present itself with some anxiousness. If you are only focused on the result and not the process your expectations can increase. Even during physical therapy, you are reminded that you are not at your goal—otherwise, you wouldn’t still be doing physical therapy. Take a moment to realize where you were when you started and note the progress you are making. It can be rewarding and motivating.

Renew Physical Therapy Is Located In Southeast Portland

Renew Physical Therapy is an independent manual physical therapy clinic that was established in December 2015 by Michael and Heidi Cantwell. Our facility features three private treatment rooms and an open gym area to treat all our patients’ needs, including Auto and Work injuries. You can find us at 11010 SE Division Street in Portland, Oregon.

Visit our About Us page to learn more about our practice, clinic, and staff. Call us at 503.928.4914 to schedule an appointment.

Renew Your Body, Reclaim Your Life!


Categories: Pain-Free Approach, Physical Therapist, Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy Clinic, Physical Therapy Tips