Treat Knee Pain With Physical Therapy In Clackamas
on Friday, January 5, 2018Thousands of Clackamas residents suffer from debilitating knee pain. And while knee pain can originate from the knee joint itself, muscle, tendon, ligament, meniscus, iliotibial band, or bursa, there is also the possibility that one may experience pain referred to the knee area from a lumbar spine or sacroiliac joint condition or even localized knee pain from chemical or systemic conditions such as gout or Rheumatoid Arthritis. Regardless of the underlying cause of your knee pain, physical therapy not only works to treat your current area of pain, but to ensure the cause of the pain is addressed as well. Whether you or a loved one is suffering knee pain as a result of arthritis, arthroplasty, a meniscus tear, ligament tear, Patellofemoral syndrome (a.k.a. runner’s knee), Chondromalacia, Iliotibial Band (IT band) Syndrome, patellar tendinitis (a.k.a. jumper’s knee) bursitis, or gout, physical therapy may be able to restore your knees to pain-free mobility.
Renew Physical Therapy is proud to serve residents of Clackamas suffering from knee pain. Renew Physical therapy employs a range of treatments including cold/heat, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. We also utilize specialized mobilization and taping techniques, therapeutic stretching/strengthening exercises, and massage to restore our patients to pain-free function.
If you or a loved one is suffering from knee pain, contact Renew Physical Therapy today for an evaluation.
Learn more about how we treat Knee Pain.
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