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11010 SE Division Street, Suite 301, Portland, OR 97266

The Benefits Of Physical Therapy For Auto-Related Injuries

Posted by Renew Physical Therapy Portland on Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Renew_Physical_Therapy_How Soon After An Accident Should I Seek Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy To Renew Your Body And Heal Injuries 

The team at Renew Physical Therapy values being able to help the people of Portland through quality physical therapy services. Each Portland patient can expect to receive top-notch. individualized care when they visit Renew Physical Therapy. Worried that physical therapy will be a painful process? don’t be! At Renew Physical Therapy we also adhere to a strict no-pain policy. That’s right – we offer pain-free physical therapy services! Be sure to book your appointment soon. 

Visit Renew Physical Therapy After Sustaining Injuries In A Car Accident 

One of the many services we offer at Renew Physical Therapy is helping our Portland patients heal from injuries sustained in car accidents. There are many benefits to choosing to attend physical therapy for treating your auto-related injury. 

Physical Therapy Helps You Recover Better And Faster 

Physical therapy gives you a better chance at reducing or preventing your injuries from having long-term effects. Those who choose physical therapy are more likely to make a full recovery and regain mobility in their injured body parts. Physical therapy also promotes faster healing so that you are able to return to your life and responsibilities sooner. 

Physical Therapy Prevents Further Damage 

Not only can your injuries become worse if you don’t seek the care you need, but you may actually cause yourself further injury in your weakened state. 

Physical Therapy Reduces The Need For Painkillers 

Some people are hesitant to rely on painkillers, especially for an extended period of time. Physical therapy can make you less reliant on painkillers. 

Physical Therapy Helps Your Mental Health Too 

It’s common that Portland locals who suffer injuries from a car accident suffer on a mental level as well. Attending physical therapy can give you a boost and improve your mental health. 

Renew Your Body At Renew Physical Therapy 

Renew Physical Therapy is an independent manual physical therapy clinic that was established in December 2015 by Michael and Heidi Cantwell. Our facility features three private treatment rooms and an open gym area to treat all our patients’ needs. If you’ve suffered from chronic pain, an auto or workrelated injury, or any other issues allow us to help. See our full list of services to see the types of physical therapy we offer. You can find us at 11010 SE Division Street in Portland, Oregon. 

Visit our About Us page to learn more about our practice, clinic, and staff. Call us at 503.928.4914 to schedule an appointment. 

Categories: Ankle Pain, Auto Injuries, Back Pain, Best Place for Physical Therapy, Chronic Pain, do I need physical therapy after a car accident, Musculoskeletal, Overuse Injury, Pain-Free Approach, Physical Therapist, Physical Therapy, physical therapy after car accident, Physical Therapy Benefits, Physical Therapy Clinic, Physical therapy for car accident