Call Us 503.928.4914

11010 SE Division Street, Suite 301, Portland, OR 97266

Try Pain-Free Physical Therapy Near You 

Posted by Renew Physical Therapy Portland on Thursday, July 27, 2023
Renew_Physical_Therapy_Physical Therapy for Auto Injuries In Clackamas

Renew Physical Therapy Offers Pain-Free Physical Therapy In Portland 

Professional physical therapy services in Portland are just a call away when you choose Renew Physical Therapy. The team at Renew Physical Therapy is proud to offer professional and reliable physical therapy services in Portland and also to the people of the surrounding areas. If you need physical therapy near Happy Valley or physical therapy near Clackamas, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Professional pain-free physical therapy near you is available now! 

How Renew Physical Therapy Can Help You 

If you’re wondering if physical therapy could be right for you, we encourage you to seek more information about our services. We offer a wide range of physical therapy services in Portland, including physical therapy for auto-accident-related injuries, physical therapy to help manage chronic pain, physical therapy to improve joint mobility, and more. 

Does Physical Therapy Hurt? 

If you’re hesitating to seek physical therapy for fear that it might be painful, consider choosing Renew Physical Therapy for your physical therapy needs. We offer a pain-free approach to physical therapy. 

How Can Physical Therapy Be Pain-Free? 

What makes some forms of physical therapy painful is when physical therapy relies on reducing pain by strengthening a painful body part. Here at Renew Physical Therapy, we take a different approach. We rely on mobilization techniques, patient education, and behavioral modification strategies to help reduce or eliminate pain while also improving joint function. 

Try pain-free physical therapy near you soon! Call Renew Physical Therapy in Portland. 

Renew Your Body At Renew Physical Therapy 

Renew Physical Therapy is an independent manual physical therapy clinic that was established in December 2015 by Michael and Heidi Cantwell. Our facility features three private treatment rooms and an open gym area to treat all our patients’ needs. If you’ve suffered from chronic pain, an auto or workrelated injury, or any other issues allow us to help. See our full list of services to see the types of physical therapy we offer. You can find us at 11010 SE Division Street in Portland, Oregon. 

Visit our About Us page to learn more about our practice, clinic, and staff. Call us at 503.928.4914 to schedule an appointment

Categories: chronic back pain, Chronic Pain, chronic pain management, chronic pain management in Happy Valley, Clackamas physical therapy, Elbow Pain, Foot Pain, gresham physical therapist, gresham physical therapy, Happy Valley physical therapy, Hip Pain, joint pain, Jumper's Knee, Knee Pain, lower back pain, managing chronic pain, Overuse Injury, pain free physical therapy, pain relief, Pain-Free Approach, Physical Therapy, Symptoms of Tennis Elbow, Tennis Elbow