Call Us 503.928.4914

11010 SE Division Street, Suite 301, Portland, OR 97266

Physical Therapy for Elbow Pain Near Happy Valley

Posted by Renew Physical Therapy Portland on Monday, October 30, 2017

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For Happy Valley residents suffering from elbow pain, there is relief in sight!  Folks suffering from aches and pains in their elbows know how persistent that pain can be.  Elbow pain can limit mobility and be debilitating, causing work delays, constrained family time, and diminished social activity.  Elbow pain can be the symptom of an elbow injury or can be referred pain from another source such as a cervical spine or upper thoracic spine condition.  Thankfully, most elbow pain can be treated and mobility restored under the care of a skilled physical therapist.

Renew Physical Therapy is proud to serve Happy Valley residents suffering from elbow pain.  It is our distinct goal to restore those living with chronic pain and immobility back to pain-free mobility.  Happy valley residents living with elbow pain caused by lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), medial epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow), osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, olecranon bursitis, cubital tunnel syndrome, pronator teres syndrome, radial tunnel syndrome, or cervical radiculopathy can all potentially find relief with Renew Physical Therapy’s facility.

Renew Physical Therapy’s facility offers three private treatment rooms and an open gym area for our patient’s needs.

Learn more about how we treat Elbow Pain.

Visit our About Us page to learn more about our practice, clinic, and staff.

 Call 503.928.4914 to schedule an appointment.


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